Plane: International Airports - Dublin, Cork, Shannon, Knock
Public Transport: TFI Local Link is a bus system that links larger cities to more remote parts of the countryside.
TFI Leap is the Dublin city bus system. You can buy a card at the local convenience stores. The card costs 5 euros and can be returned get your 5 euros back before you leave the city.
Trains connect all major cities and into Northern Ireland.
Car: An international driver’s license is not required for people with a Canadian, US, or EU driver’s license.
Apps and Websites:
Good Things To Know
Currency: Euros
Tipping: It is customary to leave a 10-15 percent tip at restaurants, bars, and cafes in Ireland.
Voltage: Plugs: G Voltage: 230v/50Hz
Language: Icelandic/English is widely spoken
Borders: United Kingdom, Irish Sea, Atlantic Ocean
UNESCO: Ireland has 2 designated UNESCO world heritage sites.